So apparently, Xtrullor's Paradigm Shift somehow came of the featured audio and my song Drop It is first.

First of all, I was not expecting Drop It to be featured at all, and I definitely was not expected it to be at the top. It reminded me of a crappy song I did called Dubstep Machine.

Am I saying the two are similar? Likely, but not necessarily the case. Dubstep Machine got at least 440 plays in just 3 hours, and at least 200 more plays in the next 3 hours (that makes at least 640 plays in its first 6 hours). Drop It got at least 300 plays on its first day, and at least 650 plays on its first week. Dubstep Machine was rather done with minimal work, but Drop It took 25 hours to make.
My songs don't get featured as often as artists like DJVI (shown in the second image with "Like An Animal") or Zyzyx (shown in the first image with "Scars"), but I get shocked just to see it barely featured (like how "Skeleton Party" is). This is only the second time I have gotten a song with the top feature (and second top feature this year), but I have yet to get a song frontpaged.
I have gotten more than just these two songs featured, I have actually gotten quite a few songs featured. The problem being is that when my songs get featured, the ratings start to drop down like how a lot of usual unnoticed artists' songs are. Am I saying that I am unnoticed? Well, if you compare somebody like myself with around 70 fans to your usual artists like F-777 and Xtrullor who have at least 1,000 fans, then I am very much unnoticed.
The real reason I was shocked that this song is unlike the rest of my featured songs. It was not a collab (Dubstep Machine), remix (new Viking Arena remix, Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites by Skrillex, Alone by Marshmello), cover (none yet actually), nor remake (no remake yet, but I guess you can call my Alone remix a remake).
Sorry for making this sound like a big deal. It is just that I do feel shocked that a song of mine gets featured, but at the same time, it feels a bit boring because the usual trend I get with the songs after they get featured, but I am not totally mad about it either.