For the next months, I will be very busy music-wise. Here is what I have planned:
I have another collaboration in progress. I was asked to do a collab with Skiddle a few weeks back, and we are working on it as we speak. Unlike the other collabs I have done, there may be a chance for this song to have three parts instead of one continuous part or two parts.
With @johnfn curreently working with CHIPS X until Sunday, this will be, no doubt, the **BIGGEST** Chips Compo for us. Please come join us on CHIPS here:
**TRUTH 3 MC**
Now for the biggest talk for this post, my first megacollab!! More news will be said later about this, so stay tuned :D
**2018 NEWS**
Stay tuned for 2018, which is just around the corner. More will be said later. :D